As you know…we are at the mercy of the weather in Northwestern Pennsylvania. So as the seasons change, so do our programs offered.
Food has always been a vital part of clients stay at Alpine Springs. We are proud to announce we have partnered up with a local restaurant called Padrones!
Choices can still accommodate vegan and gluten-free clients and continue to deliver the individualized experience for our clients as we have done in the past. We are excited for this partnership and look forward to enhancing the clients’ stay at our facilities!
We offer trips to NA & AA Meetings, but we understand not everyone wants to and we respect that.
We are big on aroma therapy, so expect to learn a few things about how aromas can help.
We frequently have arts and crafts geared towards recovery
We go to the beautiful beaches Pymatuning Lake offers
Bowling at the local bowling alley always makes for a fun night
We visit the church frequently for both religious (optional) and recreational purposes in their gymnasium
Every graduating client gets a meal of their choice and an alumni t-shirt
Cookouts in the summer are a must
We offer family visits once a week. We also offer this virtually due to COVID-19
Learn how to feed yourself for a lifetime while enjoying time with your peers and the beautiful Pymatuning Lake
Nostalgia games might help put you at ease as you find your younger self
You will have group sessions daily along with individual sessions
Guest speakers are a very important part of recovery, which is why we hand select the best in the area
We have gym group memberships to the local gym and will take you to enjoy
We never skip a chance to celebrate a holiday or decorate the facilities
From cooking to taking care of yourself and those around you, we offer life skills classes
Meditation is an important part to recovery. We offer classes as well as sound therapy walking through the halls
Make some popcorn, get comfy clothes on and grab a seat
We will periodically have special guest musical performances
Pymatuning Lake is beautiful. We can’t wait to share the view with you!
We have outdoor activities all summer ranging from corn-hole to badminton
Newly added poetry therapy soothes the soul
There are plenty of activities to pass the time at Alpine Springs both as a group or individually
We get donations to help be able to provide teeth cleaning services from local dentist offices
Yoga is great for both the body and the mind
Dance to great music, with great people, and burn a ton of calories without even realizing it.